Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fix Family Not Aligning With Host Wall

Group all elements, then dimension from the group to the reference wall face @ 0'-0" and lock it. Worked for me so far, we will see if this awakens other Revit gremlins.

I was having problems with a family that contained multiple modeled elements and a nested family within it.
It was not aligning with the finish face of the wall that was hosting it. (It was appearing embedded in the wall.)
On further research I read a recommendation to align and lock one main element to the reference wall face then align or dimension and lock the other elements to that main element. I tried this and had issues with this method, the family was not able to be created and it would delete itself on attempt of placement. I believe I was over constraining the Family.

A helpful and simple description of reference planes which indirectly applies to this topic:

Friday, September 7, 2012

Helvetica Substitute

Usually use 1/4" Helvetica for your plan titles? Don't have Helvetica on your computer? Try "Swis721 BT" set to Bold, width = 1